HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program)

Baru saja dapat infonya nih. Ternyata ini bukan cerita fiksi film tapi memang benar-benar ada. Lokasi fasilitasnya ada di sisi barat Taman Nasional Wrangell-Saint Elias di Gakona, Alaska. fasilitas ini dipakai untuk mengembangkan HAARP, sebuah teknologi yang bertujuan mengetahui, menyimulasikan, dan mengontrol proses ionosferik yang akan digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan telekomunikasi dan pengintaian.

Tapi kesini-sininya ternyata alat ini justru digunakan untuk menciptakan gempa bumi, tsunami, cuaca ekstrem, banjir dengan cara memanipulasi penguapan air dan hal lainnya yang berkaitan dengan iklim.

Nah kalau yang seperti ini bisa digolongkan sebagai teroris atau nggak ya?

Ini ada sedikit cerita nih...


Explanation Of Why There Are So Many Recent Earthquakes

I am sure you have begun to notice a seemingly increase in major earthquakes throughout the world recently.  I decided to research why this might be happening.
There have been 6 major earthquakes since the beginning of 2010.  Major is defined as magnitude of 7.0 or greater.  Here is a list of all the notable earthquakes that have happened just this year.  This information is taken from the US Geological Survey website.
As you can see there have been many significant earthquakes that have not even been reported.  Keep in mind some of the major earthquakes have taken place in highly populated areas which causes a lot more damage, deaths and injuries.  This tends to make them more News worthy.

Why so many recent earthquakes?
Why so many recent earthquakes?
According to the USGS,
"Scientists say 2010 is not showing signs of unusually high earthquake activity. Since 1900, an average of 16 magnitude 7 or greater earthquakes — the size that seismologists define as major — have occurred worldwide each year. Some years have had as few as 6, as in 1986 and 1989, while 1943 had 32, with considerable variability from year to year."
Geologists also say that they have recently installed many new seismic activity monitors around the world in the last few years and global communications has increased dramatically in recent times which is why it seems like there are an increasing amount of major earthquakes.
There is also a rumor floating around about HAARP technology being the cause for devastating earthquakes.  I have seen some conspiracy theories on this on YouTube such as this video.  The video sounds convincing, but if you notice they cut off the video right as the guy mentions weapons of mass destruction that HAARP could possibly create an earthquake. Then they repeat it three times and then switch to another clip and not let him finish.
It would be nice to hear what he said after that but I couldn't find the full video.  Anyway, the HAARP facility is supposedly open to the public and the findings from the research are published in public scientific journals.
Although I find it hard to trust the government, I have yet to see convincing enough evidence that supports the idea of the HAARP actually causing earthquakes.  I do get a bad feeling about heating up the ionosphere and playing around with the atmosphere in general.  It is very important to our survival and should not be tampered with unless absolutely certainty of safety.
Overall I see no reason enough to assume the end of the world is coming.
What do you think? 

